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  • How can communities in the UK resettle refugees?

    How can communities in the UK resettle refugees?

    Community Sponsorship empowers people across the UK to welcome refugees into their local communities and support them as they rebuild their lives in safety.

  • 'Green life' awaits Syrian refugees in English community

    'Green life' awaits Syrian refugees in English community

    In 2017, Syrian refugees Hani, Amneh and their two children were welcomed to a new life in England, thanks to Abide, a community sponsor group in Devon.

  • Home is where the bread is

    Home is where the bread is

    Food can taste like home. It can connect us to our heritage and bring back memories. Often it's the most basic staples of our diet that we miss most when we have to leave our homes. After fleeing Syria, the Fayyad family were sponsored through the UK's Community Sponsorship programme.
  • Syrian Voices - Muradi

    Syrian Voices - Muradi

    Syrian Voices is a new community history and documentary film project seeing the Syrian crisis from the unique perspectives of refugees now settled in the UK.

    The project is being run by TORCH | The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities. A hub for multi-disciplinary research projects and research engagement at the University of Oxford.

    More detail and additional video stories can be found at their website:

  • Community Sponsorship in the UK

    Community Sponsorship in the UK

    Community Sponsorship enables people across the UK to transform the lives of vulnerable refugee families by welcoming them into their local communities and supporting them as they rebuild their lives in safety.