Our Team

  • Tim Robertson - Chair

    Tim is an elder in the Quaker Meeting at Friends House, Euston Road, and has lived in south Camden for over 30 years. He worked for Camden Council for 14 years as a social worker and manager for services for children and families, and was until recently chair of governors of a Camden secondary school. Tim now works in Kentish Town as Chief Executive of The Anne Frank Trust UK, a national education charity that empowers 10- to 15-year-olds to challenge all forms of prejudice, inspired by the Jewish refugee writer Anne Frank. Tim's other previous jobs have included Chief Executive of the Koestler Trust for arts by prisoners and immigration detainees, and Director of the Royal Society of Literature.

  • Nikki Jeffcote - Co-chair and Project Manager

    Nikki worked as a clinical psychologist in NHS mental health services for 30 years. Until her recent retirement she led a London-wide service providing wide-ranging psychological and social support for men and women with longstanding experiences of trauma and social exclusion. She is a Quaker and was involved in setting up Friendly Welcome, inspired by other groups that have made a difference both to a family’s lives and to their local community. Like everyone in Friendly Welcome, Nikki is committed to ensuring the family are warmly welcomed and supported to establish safe, stable and independent lives in London.

  • Luisa Dornelas - Safeguarding Lead

    Luisa is a registered social worker and works with children, families and communities. She has previously worked across the range of statutory child protection fields in several local authorities.

    Luísa has experience of working with refugee families, and co-led a project settling refugees in Islington, alongside housing and public sector colleagues.

    Currently Luisa works as a senior manager in early help in Tower Hamlets.

  • Roula Kamei - Treasurer

    Roula Kamel is an advisor in corporate and healthcare governance, strategy design and implementation, business development, administration. As an independent consultant, Roula adds value to Friendly Welcome with her 25 years of experience as a team leader with strengths in financial planning and analysis, risk management assessment. She worked as a volunteer with refugees in Lebanon and is looking forward to providing her expertise to enrich the Friendly Welcome project. She is motivated and competent to work with and support a family, to help them adapt to their new lives in the UK.

  • Sue Summerbell - Family Support Lead

    Sue has lived in Camden for over 40 years. After training as a primary school teacher, Sue became involved with the Preschool Playgroups Association when she had her children, becoming an Advisor and Tutor for 13 years. During this time she helped to set up Camden Homestart. She then worked for Camden as a Childcare Development worker, before becoming a Programme Manager at Sure Start Kilburn Priory, organising and managing multidisciplinary support for families. After retiring in 2010, Sue continued to work in paid and voluntary roles with Camden Homestart.

  • Hugh Dennis - Accommodation Lead

    Hugh has worked across the public sector throughout London. Initially he worked mainly in housing, then health then social services. Latterly he has also worked as a Spanish interpreter and amongst other things currently trains interpreters about public services. A committed Quaker, less than a year ago he helped establish Friendly Welcome, and is excited at the impressive development of our work so that we will be able to welcome our family to London in 2022.

  • Noorjahan Faruque - Health Access Lead

    Noor is a school nurse and health visitor in Brent. She lives in Camden where she’s active in the community and has a close knowledge of primary health provision. Noor has worked with many refugee families in her professional life and is familiar with the range of issues that can arise during resettlement in a new country.

  • Gemma Williams - Benefits and Employment Lead

    Gemma lives in Camden and is training to be a solicitor, She has previously volunteered at a local legal advice centre and is committed to supporting local people. She is new to Friendly Welcome but looking forward to working with the family to welcome them to the local area.

  • Sarah Jeffcote - Communications and Finance Lead

    Sarah is a trained lawyer and spent a decade practising corporate/commercial law in London, Hong Kong and Tokyo before moving on to roles in environmental charities BioRegional Development Group and the UK Green Building Council. She lived in Camden from 2006-2015 and retains strong links with the borough, personally and professionally.