October Newsletter

Dear Friends,

We are so excited to tell you that we have been matched with a family and they are arriving next month!!

Thanks to all the support we've had from yourselves, the wonderful preparatory work of our core group of volunteers, and the amazing commitment of our family support team, everything is coming together. We have all the final approvals and agreements from the local authority, the Home Office, and the UNHCR and are now making the final preparations to provide the warmest welcome to these new members of our community.

We are welcoming are a family of three. They are originally from Syria, and have been living in Jordan as refugees for almost 10 years. You will understand that we can’t say more about them or their circumstances for now, as we need to protect their privacy as they embark on this huge transition in their lives. But we hope you will share some of our relief and joy at the family’s arrival being so close at last. We are ready to provide the support they will need to settle in and become independent as quickly as their situation allows.

We hope you enjoy our newsletter, and as always, if you would like further detail about anything related to the project or are interested in getting involved, please do contact us. And please do forward our newsletter to anyone you think might be interested in our project.

With warm wishes,

The Friendly Welcome Team


With only a month until the family arrives, we are very focussed on preparing the flat for them.

Origin Housing have made available a good flat in a nice secure location. Our task over the next month is to make this space a welcoming home!

As soon as we knew a little about the family members, we started to furnish and prepare the flat to meet their needs.

Some necessary repairs have been undertaken. Volunteers are fitting curtains, blinds and shelving. Flooring is about to be laid, and the appliances & furniture will follow.

Everything will be in place by mid-November!

We will supply the essentials the family will need when they move into their new home, but preserve some budget (and room!) for them to choose other items for themselves as they settle in.

As soon as the family arrive we will start empowering them to make their own choices, and we hope this approach will enable them to make the flat a true home from the start.


Over the last month we’ve been holding preparation classes for our wonderful team of volunteers who will provide direct support to the family.

In a series of workshops we’ve looked at both the practicalities of support, and the personal challenges that are likely to be involved on all sides.

By meeting together we’ve built a strong team with a diverse range of skills and experience and a wide knowledge of the local area and what will be available for the family.

We asked some of our volunteers to say a few words about volunteering with Friendly Welcome. Below is a short account from Shakira about her experience so far...

"I have been working in the local community for a long time, I first heard about refugee welcome in Camden few years go and my family and I went on the march in Central London. We wanted to make a difference and raise awareness, I guess that was the start of things...

When I was invited to the launch of Friendly Welcome by a friend, during the evening we were asked if we knew anyone who world volunteer? I couldn't say No.

Since starting with Friendly Welcome I now fully appreciate and understand the process, and all the work and planning that goes on behind the scenes by the core group.

I underestimated how much work, training and energy goes into a project like this prior to the family's arrival.

However knowing that we will be helping a family resettle and have an opportunity to have a better life in the UK makes it all very worthwhile.

I can't wait to meet the family soon." Shakira C.

Although we do now have enough volunteers to support the family when they arrive, we would be delighted to talk to anyone who might be interested in getting involved, particularly if you speak Arabic!

To learn more about volunteering with Friendly Welcome please check our website.


And finally...Don't forget to book your tickets to the She’Koyokh concert on the 29th October! It is promising to be a wonderful evening which many of our volunteers will be attending, so it is a chance to catch up with them and share our joy about the progress we have made so far, whilst enjoying some great music and learning some new dances.

A joyful evening of live music and Yiddish dancing with Klezmer & Balkan band "She'Koyokh", in aid of Friendly Welcome and Refugee Tales. .

She’Koyokh are a virtuosic, versatile and award-winning band playing klezmer and traditional music from the Balkans, Eastern Europe and Turkey.

The band will play live music and lead Yiddish and Balkan dances. There will also be a raffle, vegan food, tea & coffee + you can bring your own bottle!

From 7pm-10pm at Hall of St Paul’s Church, Camden Square, NW1 9XG.

Tickets are £15 and are available here 

We hope that you have enjoyed reading our newsletter. If you would like to get involved, please do get in touch


July Newsletter